Course Outline
This course teaches the skills and knowledge required to identify, locate and protect underground services in civil construction.
It applies to those working in operational roles and overseeing construction work. They generally work under supervision and hold some responsibility for identifying, locating and protecting underground services.
Elements Covered
1. Prepare to identify, locate and protect underground services
2. Identify and locate underground services
3. Protect underground services
4. Conduct housekeeping activities
All training will be conducted by a qualified staff member.
The Training will follow a set format and cover all elements and performance criteria set out in this unit.
A knowledge-based theory/classroom session ending with an examination, will need to be completed prior to any practical training or assessment session are offered.
A practical session will be conducted at sites suitable for the number of people participating in the course.
All course are ran on demand. A suitable training room is required to be provided by the client. All courses can be ran utilising the clients locator wand and or by utilising Training Services Tasmania’s.
Minimum number of 6 persons required to run this course with a maximum of 10 persons.
To enquire about this course, please contact us utilising the Contact us page, phone 62632248 or email